2022 MAR Swing Newletter
Talk about a rough start! First it was COVID-19 delays, then last week it was another once-in-a-hundred-year flood, on top of the catastrophic war happening in Ukraine O_o Our aching hearts are badly in need of some respite. Luckily we've got just what the doctor ordered. This is what you've trained for.
Swing dance family, activate!
LET'S GO!!!!
We have a special social dance planned for the 18th of March with a live swing band travelling up from Sydney - tickets available now!
All our regular classes are back on like Donkey Kong - See details below.
We have another 3-hour Saturday Lindy Hop Crash Course for beginners scheduled for the 9th of April - booking is open now!
This newsletter is a day late, but we are still celebrating International Women's Day by acknowledging the amazing women who have taught classes for Corner Pocket in the last couple of pretty difficult years. They are all legends and you can find out a little bit about each of them below...
All of our regular weekly classes are 1 hour long and are taught in a drop-in format so you can start any week and it doesn’t matter if you have to miss one. First-timers are always most welcome in our Fundamentals classes (Level 1). No partner is required, as we encourage rotating partners. However, if you bring a partner and wish to stay together to reduce COVID risk we certainly will accommodate that.
We ask that you click here to book each class through our web store so that we can ensure a reasonable lead-follow ratio, avoid overcrowding, and streamline the check-in process.
Prepaid 8-Class Passes are also available for purchase. To use your Class Pass when booking online, simply choose "Register to pay at door" from the pass type drop-down list. Don't forget to click on the cart icon and complete checkout or registration will not compete. You should receive an email confirmation.
Explorers classes (Level 2) will assume that you know the basics taught in Fundamentals (Level 1) and you must talk with your teacher before moving up.
We take the health and safety of our community very seriously and we are so grateful that all of our dancers have been ready and willing to do what it takes to look after one and other. The recently updated COVID-19 rules are as follows:
If you are sick do not come to dancing. Obvi...
Everyone in our classes and social dances must have proof of vaccination or a valid exemption as a condition of entry.
Contact tracing via the "Check In Qld app" is still required in venues where vaccination is required. (This one was a surprise to us)
Wearing a mask is not currently mandatory, but is still recommended when social distancing is not possible.
Bring your own filled water bottle with your name on it.
While surface contact has only proven to be a rare vector of transmission for COVID-19, good hand hygiene is always a particularly good idea for partnered dancing.
Monday Lindy Hop classes are GO!
Teachers: Susie & Nick
6:30pm: Level 1 - Lindy Hop Fundamentals
7:45pm: Level 2 - Lindy Hop Explorers
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 & 2 - $17 Adults ($15 concession card holders)
*Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost, provided there is room.
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
The first Tuesday Balboa class for 2022 will be Lolly Kicking off on the
22nd of FEB
Please note the new start time!
Teachers: Emma, Rob, Rylie, Michelle, & Rachel
6:30pm: Level 1 - Balboa Fundamentals
7:45pm: Level 2 - Balboa Explorers
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 & 2 - $17 Adults ($15 concession card holders)
*Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost, provided there is room.
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
The first Thursday Lindy Hop class for 2022 will be on the 24th of FEB.
Teachers: Sarah, James, David, Magali
6:30pm: Level 1 - Lindy Hop Fundamentals
7:45pm: Level 2 - Lindy Hop Explorers
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 & 2 - $17 Adults ($15 concession card holders)
*Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost, provided there is room.
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
A taster class and 3 hours of swing music for Lindy Hop, Balboa, Shag, and solo jazz. Beginners welcome!
Featuring live music from
The Lachlan McKenzie Quintet
Whilst drawing inspiration from a wide range of Jazz styles, the Lachlan McKenzie Quintet will be in full swing band mode for this special occasion! Expect toe tapping grooves and sounds reminiscent of Count Basie, Benny Goodman and the like! Featuring: Lachlan McKenzie - Trumpet Lachlan Hamilton - Tenor Wilbur Whitta - Piano Jacob Graham - Double Bass George Greenhill - Drums
DETAILS: Doors open at 7:20. There will be an absolute beginner class at 7:30 which is included with entry. Then dance the night away to incredible swing music tailored specifically for dancing. Get it while it's hot!
WHERE: St Augustine's Church Hall, 66 Racecourse Rd, Hamilton
WHEN: Friday 18th March - Taster Class 7:30 - Social dancing 8:30-11:30pm
COST: $20 - Booking online in our webstore is essential
Saturday 3-Hour Lindy Hop Crash Course Workshop
(9 APR 2022)
Have you ever wanted to learn to Swing Dance?
We'll have you dancing the basics of 6-count and 8-count Lindy Hop in just one morning!
From Harlem, New York, the Lindy is the world’s most popular dance of the Swing era. A massive cooking pot of jazz movement, Lindy has flashy swing-outs and Charleston kicks and is usually danced to mid-tempo swing dance tunes.
These classes are aimed at:
- absolute beginners who've been wanting to learn to swing dance, but are unable to attend regular weekly classes.
- beginners looking to fast-track their learning or cement knowledge gained from weekly classes.
- intermediate students wishing to learn the other lead/follow role.
No partner is required, as we encourage rotating partners. However, if you bring a partner and wish to stay together to reduce COVID risk we certainly will accommodate that.
There will be short refreshment breaks so you might like to bring a drink bottle and a notebook, but make sure they are labelled with your name.
WHAT TO WEAR: Dancing is exercise! So wear clothes you can move freely and sweat in. You can save your vintage clobber for when you hit the town. Wear comfortable shoes that won't kick off your feet and that aren't too grippy! The floor is slightly sprung timber with medium grip. The room is well air-conditioned.
LOCATION: The Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
WHEN: Saturday, 9 April 2022 from 10am-1pm
COST: $50 - Booking online in our webstore is available now!
International Women's Day
We'd like to acknowledge some of the amazing women in our swing dance community who have stepped up to teach classes for Corner Pocket and support the scene in the last couple of pretty difficult years. They are all mighty!
If you didn't respond to our survey last month, it's not too late!
The ever shifting sands of time have us doing a bit of navel gazing and thinking about how to do right by everyone in the Corner Pocket corner.
We are thinking about the What, When, and How, as we continue down the road. We are focused on keeping CPS as safe, accessible, inclusive, and fun as we can.
We also need input from you, our community, to help us shape CPS in 2022. We’ve made this survey to gather the information we need to ensure the longevity and awesomeness of Corner Pocket Swing. Please fill out the survey, and share it far and wide so we can get... ALL THE INFO!
Help us create the best swing school possible.
Swing dancing can be a hobby that helps us get through the tough times, and times have been tough the past few years. For some people, cost may have presented an obstacle for attending the lessons and socials that could benefit their mental health. We never want that to be a reason to not attend dancing, so if you are ever in that position, or know someone else who is, please let us know so we can work something out.
We have had an incredibly generous offer to donate a couple of class passes in honour of someone very dear to them. Swing dancing means a lot to this person, and they would like to pass the gift of dancing on to others, and to inspire more kindness and happiness into this world. We would love to hear nominations from our students of anyone who you think would benefit from these passes.
Email us.
Rob and Emma have some availability for teaching private Lindy Hop or Balboa lessons at their home in Ferny Hills. If this is of interest to you then please email us to arrange a time that suits.