
6:30 pm - Level 1 - Lindy Hop Fundamentals (Beginners welcome!)
7:45 pm - Level 2 - Lindy Hop Explorers (Intermediate and above)
8:45 pm - 3rd timeslot special class if scheduled, otherwise there may be some free practice time.

(Arrive 10 mins early to check-in.)



The Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead

The floor is slightly sprung timber with medium grip. The room is well air-conditioned.


L1 Lindy Hop Fundamentals: $20

L2 Lindy Hop Explorers: $20
(Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost)

Concession Cards:

Classes are $17 if you have one of the following concession cards: Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.

Classes are $12 have a current Full-Time Student Card.


We ask that you book each class through our store so that we can ensure a reasonable lead-follow ratio, avoid exceeding our venue capacity limit, and alleviate traffic jams at check-in time.

If Scheduled:

Lindy Hop Performance Class: $20 or $10 add-on to the Level 2 class on the same night.

L3 Lindy Hop Cultivators: $20 or $10 add-on to the Level 2 class on the same night.

Getting There:

  • on street parking available

  • 5 minute walk from Breakfast Creek Road Bus Routes (300, 306)

  • 12 minute walk from Teneriffe Ferry Terminal

  • 13 minute walk from Bowen Hills Train Station

Frequently Asked Questions: https://cornerpocketswing.com.au/faq

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cornerpocketswing


Our current COVID-19 Policy can be found here: https://cornerpocketswing.com.au/covid-19

Attendees at our classes and events must abide by our Code of Conduct at all times.

If you have questions about anything at all please email: info@cornerpocketswing.com.au