Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler, welcome... to Jurassic Bal
Eva Marshall
For my first swing exchange of the year I was lucky enough to snag a ticket to the very first Jurassic Bal exchange down in Canberra, and it was certainly one to remember. Travelling down with a number of my Brisbane friends; we started Fright Night with a bang. Dave and Squish hosted a beginner Shag class in the stunning Albert Hall, which served as an excellent warm up for the night. We enjoyed social dancing to the Andrew Dickesons Blue Rhythm Band, watching the teachers demonstration, giggling and laughing to our fabulous MC’s and their commentary of their discovery of Balboa dancers in their natural environment.
The Brisbane Bal Pals.
Saturday morning kicked off with an introductory talk by our international teachers: Albert and Nuess, then began the first workshops of the day. The workshops, held in the incredible Gorman Arts Centre, were such an amazing experience. The amount of knowledge that was brought to each of the classes was fantastic.
You would think that at the end of a 4 hour workshop day we would get to rest... THINK AGAIN! It was time for the Strictly and Mix ‘n’ Match preliminary competitions! Though I was not competing this year, I stayed to watch and cheer on my incredibly talented friends who found themselves in the finals! It was very inspiring to see how many talented dancers put their names out to compete as it can be very nerve wracking.
Now was the time for a brief rest, a bite to eat and a wardrobe change then we were off to the fabulous Louie Louie with Andrew Dickeson’s Blue Rhythm Band for just the beginning of Saturday night adventures.
The vibes were high, the buzz of competition was about and we even spotted some explorers coming through on their (inflatable) dinosaurs. The finals of the Mix ‘n’ Match and Strictly were held and HOO BOY there are some seriously talented dancers about. If you watch any videos of the comps, which you should, you should be able to hear me screaming in the background, ESPECIALLY when it was announced that not one, not two but THREE Brisbanites were donned with medals! HUGE congratulations to Dave and Rachel walking away with 1st in the Strictly, Dave with another 1st in the Mix n Match,
Rachel with a 2nd and Sarah with a 3rd in the Strictly (seriously impressive and her competition partner doesn’t even live in the same state)
Winner winner chicken dinner!
As it became late, you’d think we’d be finished after a whole day of workshops, competitions and social dancing? Heck no, a quick stroll from the venue and up to the Latin Dance Canberra and we were ready to take over with some late night Bal, a bit of sneaky Lindy Hop, sleepy chats on the couches and I even spotted a little solo jazz battle going on. While I didn’t last to the very end, it was a very fun and silly late night social.
This is an accurate depiction of how everyone felt at the late night.
Sunday morning... with sleepy eyes, sore feet and body I made my way back to the Gorman Arts Centre for the last day of workshops (the slightly later start was much appreciated). As soon as we started dancing any kind of soreness and tiredness disappeared as a morning of Pure Bal was just what the doctor ordered and was so incredibly enjoyable.
As the afternoon wound down we headed home for another much needed rest before making a grand Safari entrance (we Brisbanites do love a theme) back at the Arts Centre. As we entered the final night of safari inspired dance adventures with The Canberra Swing Collective we did discover one thing, it was going to be very hard to close the night and say goodbye.
Safari Sunday!
Couldn’t resist a photo op with Blue and the fabulous Jurassic Bal team.
What a weekend it was. One of the most welcoming and friendly exchanges I have attended and I cannot wait to attend next year.
A HUGE thank you and CONGRATULATIONS to Krystel, Squish and Luke, the volunteers, bands, DJ’s, teachers for making it such a memorable and enjoyable trip.
New Year Resolutions and the Power of Goal Setting
Rachel Hoey
There seem to be two types of people I encounter when it comes to New Years resolutions. Those who love them (or at least love to make them), and those who think they’re a load of tosh. I fall into the former category. I love setting goals and I love asking others what their goals are. Sometimes I hear that there’s no point setting New Year's resolutions, as it’s just setting you up to fail. Everyone knows that no one follows through on them anyway.
But I disagree, I think that goals give you direction. Even if you only make it halfway to your goal, or only achieve half of the goals you set, that’s further than if you’d never tried at all. And to me that sounds like something worth celebrating.
So without further ado, may I present to you my dance goals for 2024. Please let me know your own goals, whatever they may be. And who knows, if we have any in common we might be able to share resources and inspiration, or simply check in and encourage each other!
My dance goals for 2024:
I recognise that as a dancer, I am an athlete and I will act accordingly.
I will stretch and warm up my body before class
I will keep active beyond dance
I will work on technical skills
I will attend dance classes of other styles to improve my skills, confidence, and understanding of dance technique
I will organise or participate in designated, focused practice sessions weekly and come prepared with my personal goals
I will actively work on building the type of community I want to be a part of
I will recognise and celebrate the successes of my peers
I will consciously organise opportunities to hang out and connect with my dance friends beyond dancing
I will not be afraid to be seen trying
I will film (and watch!) my dancing regularly
I will ask for feedback when needed, and implement that feedback at the first available opportunity
Now, I would just like the stress that these are my personal goals. I am by no means advocating that these are helpful or inspiring intentions for every dancer out there. After all, we all have our own motivations for why and how we dance. For you, dance may be a way to stay active physically, an opportunity to make new friends and see old ones, an artform or means of self expression, a way to build confidence, connect with music or something more!
This cat knows how to treat it’s body like an athlete.
I particularly enjoyed reading these 2015 resolutions from the fabulous Sharon Davis, and I hope that you might find them inspiring, or at least thought provoking. Some other goals you might consider include:
Attend a class every week
Attend an interstate event
Attend an international event
Compete in a local contest or one outside my scene
Dance with someone I don’t know at every social I attend
Share the joy and invite a new friend dancing each month
Practise at a designated time every day/week/fortnight/month
Attend/organise regular group practice sessions
Invite your dance friends to get together outside of dancing every week/fortnight/month
Watch more historic dance clips! You’ll find plenty of clips on YouTube and in playlists too - including this one, and this one!
Research more into the history of the dance. If you’re a reader, you may enjoy the below:
Swinging at The Savoy. The Memoir of a Jazz Dancer
Frankie Manning: Ambassador of Lindy Hop
Jazz Dance: The Story of American Vernacular DanceCarry, and use, a dance notebook to keep track of your learning
Use your body within its limits, and rest appropriately
The sage advice, of “be firm about your goals but flexible about your methods”, often rings in my own ears. My goal isn’t really to practise each week, or to attend x number of events, my goal is to be a more expressive, authentic, kind, and skilled dancer. But these points are what I hope will help me become one.
Happy 2024!
I sent this piece to my good friend Vanessa Smallbon to hear her feedback. And she delivered! I liked her response so much, I’ve included it below for you to read.
How to set goals?
We’ve all heard the term SMART goals before. If you haven’t, it stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound - for example by June I want to be practising my footwork variations for 30min a day, 3 days a week. While this is a useful framework (and fantastic if it works for you!), it can sometimes set you up to fail as it becomes very easy (and I often fall victim to this) to become disheartened if you fall short of your goal. Human behaviour change towards the positive is tough!
For a gentler way it can be useful to set a general broad idea to work towards rather than a specific goal. When becoming the best dancer or person you want to be, the exact points don’t matter as long as the trend line is going in the right direction. There is no single path and it’s the trend of your decisions (mostly made of small choices) that will push you towards or further away from your goal. For example if your idea is to be more active outside of dance, when you’re brushing your teeth, you can make the choice of scrolling TikTok on your phone or practising your one legged balances. Will I walk or drive to the supermarket today?
Using this method can help you notice opportunities to be a little better in moments than you were before. Even just having a good idea to follow is beneficial because it’s almost impossible to fail - you will notice opportunities for betterment that you didn’t before!
Keeping the idea broad allows you the grace for the path of betterment to change as you do. As most people will have experienced, road blocks (injury, family crisis etc.) can hit out of nowhere and having a general idea allows you to stay on a positive path without the guilt of failing to achieve a specific goal set by a past version of yourself.
Together at the Melbourne Lindy Exchange (MLX 2023)
With the schedule of local dance classes winding down for the year, it’s a good time to reflect not just on my recent attendance at the Melbourne Lindy Exchange (MLX), but also on the year of major dance exchange events that was.
For me, it started with the Adelaide Lindy Exchange, Hullabaloo (in Perth), Brisbane Swing Thing, Canberräng (in Canberra), the Swing Into Spring Lindy Hop Weekender (in Sydney), Brisbane Balboa Weekend, and finally, the Melbourne Lindy Exchange.
It goes without saying that, aside from having the opportunity to dance in different venues and to different live bands (and DJs), attending a major dance exchange event (of any kind) is a great way to meet and connect with swing dancers from all over Australia (and overseas), to cement (or test) your social dancing skills, and to gain valuable experience dancing with a diverse range of people of varying abilities who have been shaped by different ideas. Plus, it’s just a whole lot of fun, and my time at MLX was no exception.
Throwing down in a jam circle
After a 4-year break due to the global pandemic, the return of MLX saw it's 20th Anniversary edition brought to life with 4 nights of social dancing (to some amazing live bands and DJs, in some incredible venues), plus 2 late-night events (with an excellent range of snacks), and even included a high stakes dance competition (the Savoy Cup Australia Qualifier). But that's not all - whilst MLX itself is a social dancing only event, I did take the opportunity to attend two separate dance workshops (Lindy Hop and Balboa) with some experienced dance teachers during this same trip also - it was full weekend indeed!
Finalists at the Champions Cup qualifier
With MLX tickets having sold out in about 3 minutes, this was certainly the biggest major dance exchange event in Australia in recent times, and the fear of missing out (FOMO), both for those who had actually missed out on tickets as well as those who didn't, was very real... And I get it, I really do. You pay a lot of money for a full weekend pass, for flights and accommodation. You see familiar faces from all of the previous dance exchanges you have ever attended, and you want to catch-up and dance with all of them because you've missed them terribly. But 4 days of social dancing (often with very little sleep) is a lot, and when you start to feel sub-optimal, the urge to keep going despite the beginnings of a cough or a sore throat can be very strong. (Life in general may have opened up again, but the threat of debilitating respiratory illnesses still remains.) I could say more about this, but I want to keep this light because overall, this was a good trip.
Brisbane Crew’s take on the theme “Friday at the Foot ball”
Thanks again to the organisers, venues, musicians, DJs, volunteers, attendees, and my Brisbane crew for making MLX the event that it was – a great way to bookend the swing dancing year! Thanks for all the dances and the catch-ups, and here's hoping we see you all again at another major dance exchange event soon. In the meantime...
Remember to stay safe, look after each other, and happy dancing! ~
Mama Trang
“What’s the deal with mix-and-match competitions? How can I prepare for one?” By Thomas Oram
So, you’ve seen the announcement for the student mix-and-match competition being held at the October Corner Pocket Social but don’t know what it is all about? Maybe you’ve seen a couple of YouTube videos from the big competitions like ILHC or Camp Hollywood and think, “I wanna do that, but where do I start?”, or maybe just, “This is cool, but I don’t know if I could do that…” Don’t worry – the upcoming Pocket Social Mix-and-Match is exactly for people like you: Inspired and enthusiastic dancers who want to give competing a try in a supportive, relaxed environment.
So, you’ve seen the announcement for the student mix-and-match competition being held at the October Corner Pocket Social but don’t know what it is all about? Maybe you’ve seen a couple of YouTube videos from the big competitions like ILHC or Camp Hollywood and think, “I wanna do that, but where do I start?”, or maybe just, “This is cool, but I don’t know if I could do that…” Don’t worry – the upcoming Pocket Social Mix-and-Match is exactly for people like you: Inspired and enthusiastic dancers who want to give competing a try in a supportive, relaxed environment. Competing isn’t for everyone, but it’s an important part of swing dance, be it Lindy Hop, Balboa or Authentic Jazz. I was fortunately able to compete in two beginner competitions in 2022 and loved it! I will share my insights from these competitions at the end of this post, but first and foremost: what is a mix-and-match comp?
A mix-and-match competition is a competition format seen in various partnered social dance styles including Lindy Hop and Balboa. There are various other names associated with this format including ‘Luck of the Draw’ or ‘Social Draw’. The basic premise is that competitors are randomly partnered with a dancer of the opposite role (leads with follows, follows with leads) and are judged as a partnership on how well they dance to part of a randomly selected song. Unlike other competition formats like ‘strictly’ or ‘classic’, mix-and-match competitions are generally free from pre-planned choreography and aerials. In this way, mix-and-match competitions are one of the closest ways to being able to judge a partnership’s ability to social dance.
Mix-and-match competitions are run in heats and finals or go straight to finals if the number of partnerships is small. During heats, dancers are generally judged individually and rotate through several partners. The top dancers from heats as selected by judges move on to a final. The final of a mix-and-match can be conducted in various ways. The most common way has all randomly-assigned fixed partnerships dance to the same song for two phrases each (8 x 8 counts), cycling through competing couples once or twice. This is referred to as ‘shines’ or ‘spotlights’. After the shines are complete, all couples dance together for the remainder of the song, referred to as an ‘all-skate’. An all-skate warm-up and warm-down are also often done before and after shines, each to a different song. Other competition styles include having all dancers judged individually in several all-skate rounds with partners rotated and a new song selected for each round or by having fixed couples each dancing to their own randomly selected song for a set time length. This latter competition style is how the mix-and-match competition will be run at the October Corner Pocket Social, with each couple in the finals dancing for 90 seconds to different songs.
How mix-and-match competitions are judged is, like the judging of most creative endeavours, subjective. This said, various defined elements of the dance are considered by judges during mix-and-match competitions. Each judge will give different weighting to these elements according to what they consider most important. These elements of the dance include ‘connection and partnership’ (how connected the partnership is), ‘vocabulary’ (the moves and variations used and their execution) and ‘musicality’ (how connected the partnership is with the music). After competitors dance in heats or finals, the judging team come together to share their rankings. In the case of heats, each judge may only rank a selection of dancers in either or both roles whom they believe should advance to the finals. In the finals, judges will rank all competitors, either as partnerships or individuals according to the competition format. The collective rankings will then be assessed to determine a winner. In high level competition, this assessment is most often determined in a ‘relative placement’ system. You can learn more about relative placement here.
The selection of judges will differ depending on the context of a competition. In local scene events, judges are generally experienced dancers from within that scene. At dance exchanges or other events, judges will often be international teachers invited to the event. Some events will also include less experienced dancers or dancers from other scenes in their judging panel.
Alright, that just about summarises the basic elements of mix-and-match competitions. If you haven’t been bored silly with technical talk, then fantastic! It sounds like you’re just the right enthusiastic person for competing! You can sign up for the mix-and-match competition here: https://forms.gle/cUx2X64mCJeJsrEX7. Once you’ve done that, read on for tips on competition preparation and personal insights from my own competition experiences.
The best way to prepare for a mix-and-match competition is to work on your dance fundamentals – your rhythm, balance, flow, connection, communication and musicality. You can do this in many ways, but finding yourself a practice partner who also plans on competing is one of the most effective ways to improve. Run through drills, practice core moves like swing outs and pass-bys and consider how you can spice up your basics with variations – practice, practice, practice! You can also gather a group of fellow motivated dancers together for a group practice session to bounce ideas off each other, share experiences and test things out with different partners.
When it comes to competing, focus on the moves and variations that you know back-to-front. Judges want to see dancing that is well-connected to the music and your partner. Start your spotlight nice and easy, focusing on building connection and finding your groove with the music and your partnership. Don’t try to force anything – keep things open and be sure to give space for your partner to shine too. Listen to your partner, give them opportunities to ‘speak’ and try to match their energy as much as they are trying to match yours. Thank your partner at the end of your spotlight and, above all, show people how fun it is to dance!
In my experience with mix-and-match competing, the couples who made it to finals and placed were not always the ones throwing down the flashiest moves. Flash-and-trash can only get you so far in a mix-and-match, since these kinds of moves often require a regular dance partner to pull off – something rarely possible in a mix-and-match! While you should aim to bring your best dancing to the competition floor, the thing that judges and audiences alike want to see most is solid partner dancing with two people having a great time together. Your partnership is the thing that matters most!
Case in point are my two competition experiences. My first mix-and-match comp was at Copenhagen Lindy Exchange. During the heats, I danced with a couple of my new friends I made while volunteering and had a great time. This probably helped me make it to the finals, where I was paired up with someone I had never met before and plunged straight into an all-skate comp with no warm-up – eek! I found it so hard to connect with my partner since our personal styles did not match. We were both trying to dance big, but weren’t dancing with each other. By the time I’d worked things out, the music was changed to a fast tempo song and I was a goner (COVID had done a number on me a month prior). The fact I can’t remember my partner’s name says it all – I wasn’t dancing with my partner, just at them. Needless to say my partner and I did not place, but as the saying goes: you never win your first comp.
In my second comp, this time at Upside Down Festival, I took what I learned from Copenhagen and focused on having a nice time. This was my last hurrah before flying home to Australia, so I just wanted to have fun. I had some very enjoyable dances in the heats, waited patiently for the finals list to be shared and saw I made the cut - time for redemption! This comp was done with a warm-up all-skate followed by two sets of shines. The slower tempo warm-up dance was a great way to find the groove with my partner, Marta. Everyone was dancing, so it just felt like a casual social dance. In the shines that followed, I stuck to core moves, tried to match the energy of my partner and the band, and tried to express my own voice as a dancer. The clapping and support from the crowd certainly helped. And in a fairy tale ending, Marta and I won! So, the moral of the story is pay attention to your partner and put grooves before moves. The end.*
*I actually have a lot more to say on this outcome, but it involves speculation on why the judges judged the way they did and that is a dangerous game to play. If you want to hear my thoughts on my own comp results, you’re welcome to chat to me privately! Competitions are less about winning and more about being able to express your authentic self and your interpretations of the dance in a conversation with a fellow dance enthusiast. If you win or place, then great! If you didn’t, that’s okay too – celebrate the fact there was an opportunity for you to express yourself. Dwelling on the outcome is a sure-fire way to feel bitter about the dance, but healthy reflection on what you think you can improve on helps to set personal goals and keeps you and your scene improving.
If you made it this far, hopefully you now have a good idea of what mix-and-match competing entails - and how fun it is! If you want some inspiration, here are links to some of our favourite beginner competition clips! (No, I will not be sharing my own comp videos. Thankfully they are not on Youtube!)
Enjoy and good luck to all competitors this month – I’ll be cheering you on!
— Tom
Here are some video links to Tom’s favourite examples of MnM competitions:
Swing Newsletter - 2023 February
News! Classes, workshops, social dances, photos, annual survey. Find out about everything that's happening in the Pocket this month!
And just like that, we're back!
Our classes have kicked off, our Lindy Hop 8 count Dance in a Day workshop is this Saturday (4th), and social dance opportunities are popping up all over the place.
Speaking of social dancing, a few of our dancers attended the Adelaide Lindy Exchange last month, and had a BLAST!! If you'd like to hear more about their adventures, Trang has put together a blog post which you can find more about below.
Importantly, February is Black History Month. As guests in the culture of this dance, let's take the time to recognise, honour, and pay tribute to the Black musicians and dancers to whom we owe jazz music and dancing. The Wynton Marsalis Harvard lecture series is a fantastic place to start, or develop, your learning around the history of jazz music- as well as A Historical Perspective of Hip Hop Dance.
We've got some exciting plans in the works for 2023, but more than anything, we want to hear from YOU! Want would you like to find inside your Corner Pocket this year? We've received some responses to our survey (and we're grateful to each and every one of you who took the time to fill it out!) but if you'd still like to share your thoughts- it's not too late. Use the link below to offer your feedback anonymously, or you can always catch our teachers after class for a chat. If there's something we love almost as much as dancing, it's talking about dancing!
EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: We're planning a Lindy Exchange! Keep those calendars free from Friday the 26th of May to the through to the 29th and we'll have more info and announcements coming your way soon about the new Brisbane swing thing!
Survey Time!
We're gearing up for a big year, and we want and as always we want to know how to do right by everyone in the Corner Pocket corner. How do we make CPS as fun, inclusive, and safe as we can?
We know we didn't get everything right. We want to do better. We need input from you, our community, to help us shape CPS in 2023. We’ve made this survey to gather the information we need to ensure the longevity and awesomeness of Corner Pocket Swing.
Please fill out the 2023 Corner Pocket Swing Survey and share it far and wide so we can get... ALL THE INFO!
Help us create the best swing school possible.
Intro to 8-Count Lindy Hop - Saturday 10am Workshop [3hrs] 4th Feb 2023
Have you ever wanted to learn to Swing Dance?
We'll have you dancing the basics of Lindy Hop in just one morning!
From Harlem, New York, Lindy is the world’s most popular partnered dance of the 1930s & 40s. Today Lindy is an amazing melting pot of fun and impressive dance steps, firmly rooted in authentic vintage jazz movement. Lindy has flashy swing-outs and Charleston kicks and is usually danced to mid-tempo swing dance tunes.
Lindy hop is such a BIG FUN dance that we decided to break our weekend beginner workshop into TWO 3-hour parts, the 6-count basics and the 8-count basics. Each part will cover the fundamentals of a portion of the dance and we will alternate which part we teach each time. See below for the scheduled dates.
These classes are aimed at:
- absolute beginners who've been wanting to learn to swing dance, but are unable to attend regular weekly classes.
- beginners looking to fast-track their learning or cement knowledge gained from weekly classes.
- intermediate students wishing to learn the other lead/follow role.
You don’t have to bring your own partner, as we’ll be rotating partners, but if you can encourage a friend to give it a go and try the opposite role to you, that’s excellent.
If you bring a partner and wish to stay together we can accommodate that, but bear in mind that dancing with many different partners is a large part of the fun of swing dancing. Rotating will help you to get the steps faster with fewer technical feedback loops. For these reasons rotating partners is strongly encouraged, but rest assured that we will support your decision if you choose not to.
WHEN: Usually the second Saturday of each month from 10 am to 1 pm- but this month it will be held on the first Saturday (arrive 10 mins early to check-in)
Feb 4th: Intro to 8-Count Lindy Hop (1st Sat of month)
Mar 11th: Intro to Balboa Swing
Apr : Intro to 6-Count Lindy Hop
May : Intro to 8-Count Lindy Hop
Jun : Intro to Balboa Swing
Jul : Intro to 6-Count Lindy Hop
Aug : Intro to 8-Count Lindy Hop
Sep : Intro to Balboa Swing
Oct : Intro to 6-Count Lindy Hop
Nov : Intro to 8-Count Lindy Hop
Dec : Intro to Balboa Swing
LOCATION: The Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
COST: $50
Pre-booking through our website is essential to secure your place:
SCHEDULE: Doors open at 7:20 pm. Absolute beginner class at 7:30 (included with entry). Social dancing commences at 8:30 and music continues until 11:30.
COST: $15
Booking online on our webstore is appreciated to help avoid a queue at the door.
The Pocket Social is our monthly opportunity to get together with other swing students to dance all those moves you’ve been learning. Having a great time with a great mix of people on the social dance floor is what swing is all about!
Bring your friends! We have a taster class at 7:30 before the social dance. It’s aimed at absolute beginners and it’s included in the price of entry to the social!
The music is played by experienced swing DJs and will be specifically tailored for swing dances like Lindy Hop, Balboa, Slow Bal, Collegiate Shag, and Solo Jazz.
Deodorant! (low scented and hypoallergenic if possible)
Some people like to dress up, and others prefer to go casual. Check out the photos to see what a social dance looks like. Bring a towel and a change of top if you tend to sweat a lot.
Wear comfortable shoes that won't kick off your feet and aren't super grippy! The floor is sprung unvarnished hardwood with a fairly low amount of grip. Perfect ^_^
Together at the 2023 Adelaide Lindy Exchange (ALX23)
From Mama Trang ( @delightintheflavouroflife )
With dance classes recommencing this week, it’s a good time to reflect on my recent attendance at the Adelaide Lindy Exchange (ALX) – a first-time Lindy Hop dance event with 3 nights of social dancing to live bands, including 1 dedicated Blues night (for full weekend pass holders, or those like me who were lucky enough to get off the waitlist) – as a way of viewing the year ahead with a fresh lens.
This was the first interstate Lindy Hop dance exchange I’d attended since the global pandemic broke out, and the first thing I noticed upon my arrival was the number of familiar faces from all the previous dance exchanges I had attended over recent years. For me, the biggest highlight was simply seeing (and catching up with) swing dancers from Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Perth, and (of course) Adelaide – all coming together to share in this dance that we love.
All of our regular weekly classes are 1 hour long and are taught in a drop-in format so you can start any week and it doesn’t matter if you have to miss one. First-timers are always most welcome in our Fundamentals classes (Level 1).
You don’t have to bring your own partner, as we’ll be rotating partners, but if you can encourage a friend to give it a go and try the opposite role to you, that’s excellent.
If you bring a partner and wish to stay together we can accommodate that but bear in mind that dancing with many different people is part of the fun and will help you to get the steps faster with fewer technical feedback loops.
We ask that you click here to book each class through our web store so that we can ensure a reasonable lead-follow ratio, avoid overcrowding, and streamline the check-in process.
Prepaid 8-Class Passes are also available for purchase. To use your Class Pass when booking online, simply choose "Register to pay at door" from the pass type drop-down list. Don't forget to click on the cart icon that appears and complete the checkout process ($0) or registration will not compete. You should receive an email confirmation.
Our Explorers classes (Level 2) will assume that you know the basics taught in Fundamentals (Level 1) and you must talk with your teacher before moving up.
We take the health and safety of our community very seriously and we are so grateful that all of our dancers have been ready and willing to do what it takes to look after one another. The current COVID-19 rules are as follows:
If you are sick do not come to dancing. We are always happy to refund or reschedule.
Wearing a mask is not currently mandatory, but is still recommended when social distancing is not possible. We will always support and encourage our students to wear one at any time.
Since April 2022, you are no longer required to check-in and to be fully vaccinated. However, we continue to *request* that you do not come to Corner Pocket unless your covid vaccinations are up to date.
Bring your own filled water bottle with your name on it.
While surface contact has only proven to be a rare vector of transmission for COVID-19, good hand hygiene is always a particularly good idea for partnered dancing.
Teachers: Susie & Nick
6:30: Level 2 Lindy Hop Explorers (Intermediate)
7:45 : Level 3 Lindy Hop Cultivators (Intermediate-Advanced)
For Monday classes knowledge of the basic footwork rhythms (6 beat, 8 beat and Charleston) is expected.
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 2 - $19 ($16 concession card holders)
Level 3 - $19 or $10 with Level 2
Classes are $1 more to pay at the door.
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
Teachers: Emma, Rob, Rylie, & Rachel
6:30pm:Level 1 - Balboa Fundamentals
7:45pm:Level 2 - Balboa Explorers
8:45-9:45pm: Specialty class (as scheduled below)
Specialty Class Schedule
For the 3rd time slot (8:45) Special Classes on Tuesday nights our regular schedule is:
1st Tues: Slow Bal Fundamentals (L1 first-timers welcome)
2nd Tues: Slow Bal Explorers (L2 not your first time)
3rd Tues: Slow Bal Explorers (L2 not your first time)
4th Tues: Balboa Extension (L3 "Ah, I see you've played Knifey-Spoony before!")
LOCATION: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1- $19 Adults ($16 concession card holders)
Level 2- $19 ($16 c.) L2 students may attend the L1 class on the same night at no additional cost.
Special class - $19 OR $10 extra if also doing another class.
($1 more to pay at the door)
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
Teachers: Sarah, Morgan, Gabi, David, Trang, Magali, Tom
6:30pm: Level 1 - Lindy Hop Fundamentals (Beginners welcome)
7:45pm: Level 2 - Lindy Hop Explorers (Intermediate and above)
LOCATION: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 - $19 Adults ($16 concession card holders)
Level 2 - $19 ($16 c. L2 students may attend the L1 class on the same night at no additional cost)
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
Some favourite snaps from the October Pocket Social last year. Our thanks to Tom for editing them!
For more photos, updates, and announcements, make sure you've liked the Corner Pocket Swing Facebook Page
FAQ of the month
'Am I too old to attend swing dance classes?'
There is no upper age limit at Corner Pocket Swing!
We regularly have a wide range of ages in our classes. Whether you’re 17 or 170, it’s all the same to us as long as you are keen to get your dance on! Some of the Lindy Hop classes can be a little more energetic than others, but you can generally put as much or as little energy into the steps as you feel comfortable with. The Balboa classes tend to be less bouncy, but there can be some twisting involved. To make it easier to learn, the tempo of the dancing in classes tends to be slower than what you may have seen people doing socially to live bands. We suggest you come along and give Lindy Hop and Balboa a try!
Got a burning question you'd love to have answered? Email us!
Dance Floor Delight
The dance floor at the Danish Club has recently been beautifully sanded and resurfaced. Now that it's buttery smooth and so lovely to dance on again, we'd like to ask everyone to please make a special effort to keep it free of dirt and grit so we can keep it nice for as long as possible. That means checking your shoes for embedded grit or even nails in some older shoe constructions. Wipe your feet carefully when you come in - we'll put towels at the front door if it's wet outside. Ideally, someone will grab the large orange dry mop and run it over the floor before every class, so please pitch in and volunteer to help us with this task sometimes, so it's not always the same person doing it. Don't wait to be asked! Lastly, you mark it, you clean it. Check that the shoes you dance in do not leave marks on the floor and if they do you will need to bring different shoes next time.
Swing dancing can be a hobby that helps us get through the tough times, and times have been tough the past few years. For some people, cost may have presented an obstacle for attending the lessons and socials that could benefit their mental health. We never want that to be a reason to not attend dancing, so if you are ever in that position, or know someone else who is, please let us know so we can work something out. Email us.
We recently received several incredibly generous donations of class passes to members of the swing scene who were impacted by adverse events outside of their control. As those donations have now been distributed, we would like to say thank you to those who have passed the gift of dancing on to others. You have inspired more kindness and happiness into this world.
Rob and Emma have some availability for teaching private Lindy Hop or Balboa lessons at their home in Ferny Hills. If this is of interest to you then please email us to arrange a time that suits.
Together at the 2023 Adelaide Lindy Exchange (ALX23)
With dance classes recommencing this week, it’s a good time to reflect on my recent attendance at the Adelaide Lindy Exchange (ALX) – a first-time Lindy Hop dance event with 3 nights of social dancing to live bands, including 1 dedicated Blues night (for full weekend pass holders, or those like me who were lucky enough to get off the waitlist) – as a way of viewing the year ahead with a fresh lens.
This was the first interstate Lindy Hop dance exchange I’d attended since the global pandemic broke out, and the first thing I noticed upon my arrival was the number of familiar faces from all the previous dance exchanges I had attended over recent years. For me, the biggest highlight was simply seeing (and catching up with) swing dancers from Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Perth, and (of course) Adelaide – all coming together to share in this dance that we love.
From Mama Trang:
With dance classes recommencing this week, it’s a good time to reflect on my recent attendance at the Adelaide Lindy Exchange (ALX) – a first-time Lindy Hop dance event with 3 nights of social dancing to live bands, including 1 dedicated Blues night (for full weekend pass holders, or those like me who were lucky enough to get off the waitlist) – as a way of viewing the year ahead with a fresh lens.
This was the first interstate Lindy Hop dance exchange I’d attended since the global pandemic broke out, and the first thing I noticed upon my arrival was the number of familiar faces from all the previous dance exchanges I had attended over recent years. For me, the biggest highlight was simply seeing (and catching up with) swing dancers from Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Perth, and (of course) Adelaide – all coming together to share in this dance that we love.
It goes without saying that, aside from having the opportunity to dance in different venues and to different live bands (in slightly different ways), attending a dance exchange like this is a great way to meet and connect with swing dancers from all over Australia, to cement (or test) your social dancing skills, and to gain valuable experience dancing with a diverse group of people of varying abilities who have been shaped by different ideas. Plus, it’s just a whole lot of fun! Who knows what kind of welcoming and friendly faces you’ll meet, and if you’re lucky, what kind of life-long friendships you’ll make too. So, if you’ve been dancing for a while and need something to help inspire or challenge your dancing, then attending an interstate (or even an international) dance exchange may be just the boost you need. It’s definitely worth the travel.
Thanks again to the organisers (Swing That Thing), venues, musicians, volunteers, attendees, and my Brisbane crew for making this such a lovely event – it was a great way to start off the swing dancing year! Incidentally, this was also my first trip to Adelaide, so a special thank you must go out to my Adelaide dance family for inviting me into your spaces, for hanging out with me and showing me around, for your advice on places to go and things to see/do, and for simply being as you are - I appreciate you all so much, and will gladly return the favour if you’re ever in Brisbane. Thanks for all the dances, and here's hoping we see you all again at another dance event soon.
And on that note, with dance events starting to pop up all over Australia (and New Zealand) again, any time is a good time to gather your friends, inspect your calendars, and start planning your next dance adventure.
Remember to stay safe, look after each other, and happy dancing!
~ Mama Trang

Swing Newsletter - 2023 January
News! Classes, workshops, social dances, photos, annual survey. Find out about everything that's happening in the Pocket this month!
Happy New Year! Who has some New Year's Swingolutions?
Every January Corner Pocket classes take a bit of a break, but read ahead for information on what is still on!
Weekly classes will resume Monday the 30th of January. We will still be running our monthly Pocket Social on the 20th of January and a new 3-hour Intro to 6-Count Lindy Hop workshop on Saturday the 14th of January.
Pocket socials are on the 3rd Friday of every month, so mark that in your calendar! The dates for 2023 are:
20th January
17th February
17th March
21st April
19th May
16th June
21st July
18th August
15th September
20th October
17th November
15th December
The next 2 Dance in a Day workshop dates are Saturday 4th February "Intro to 8-count Lindy Hop" and Saturday 11th March "Intro to Balboa Swing" at the Danish Club Newstead.
Keep reading below to find out more about everything that's going on in the Pocket!
Survey Time!
It's that time of the year again! As we look back on the year that was, we see that 2022 was filled with a lot of unexpected setbacks. After a very rocky start and some further challenges along the way, we are somewhat surprised to have made it through the year with more highs than lows. We're feeling tentatively proud of what we managed to achieve last year and we are looking forward to an even bigger and better year of dancing at Corner Pocket Swing.
As always we want to know how to do right by everyone in the Corner Pocket corner. How do we make CPS as fun, inclusive, and safe as we can?
We know we didn't get everything right. We want to do better. We need input from you, our community, to help us shape CPS in 2023. We’ve made this survey to gather the information we need to ensure the longevity and awesomeness of Corner Pocket Swing.
Please fill out the 2023 Corner Pocket Swing Survey and share it far and wide so we can get... ALL THE INFO!
Help us create the best swing school possible.
Intro to 6-Count Lindy Hop Workshop [3hrs] (10am Saturday 14 January 2023)
Have you ever wanted to learn to Swing Dance?
We'll have you dancing the basics of Lindy Hop in just one morning!
From Harlem, New York, Lindy is the world’s most popular partnered dance of the 1930s & 40s. Today Lindy is an amazing melting pot of fun and impressive dance steps, firmly rooted in authentic vintage jazz movement. Lindy has flashy swing-outs and Charleston kicks and is usually danced to mid-tempo swing dance tunes.
Lindy hop is such a BIG FUN dance that we decided to break our weekend beginner workshop into TWO 3-hour parts, the 6-count basics and the 8-count basics. Each part will cover the fundamentals of a portion of the dance and we will alternate which part we teach each time. See below for the scheduled dates.
These classes are aimed at:
- absolute beginners who've been wanting to learn to swing dance, but are unable to attend regular weekly classes.
- beginners looking to fast-track their learning or cement knowledge gained from weekly classes.
- intermediate students wishing to learn the other lead/follow role.
You don’t have to bring your own partner, as we’ll be rotating partners, but if you can encourage a friend to give it a go and try the opposite role to you, that’s excellent. If you bring a partner and wish to stay together we can accommodate that, but bear in mind that dancing with many different partners will help you to get the steps faster with fewer technical feedback loops.
WHEN: Usually the second Saturday of each month from 10 am to 1 pm (arrive 10 mins early to check-in)
Jan 14th: Intro to 6-Count Lindy Hop
Feb 4th: Intro to 8-Count Lindy Hop (1st Sat of month)
Mar 11th: Intro to Balboa Swing
Apr : Intro to 6-Count Lindy Hop
May : Intro to 8-Count Lindy Hop
Jun : Intro to Balboa Swing
Jul : Intro to 6-Count Lindy Hop
Aug : Intro to 8-Count Lindy Hop
Sep : Intro to Balboa Swing
Oct : Intro to 6-Count Lindy Hop
Nov : Intro to 8-Count Lindy Hop
Dec : Intro to Balboa Swing
LOCATION: The Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
COST: $50
Pre-booking through our website is essential to secure your place:
SCHEDULE: Doors open at 7:20 pm. Absolute beginner class at 7:30 (included with entry). Social dancing commences at 8:30 and music continues until 11:30.
COST: $15
Booking online in our webstore is appreciated to help avoid a queue at the door.
The Pocket Social is our monthly opportunity to get together with other swing students to dance all those moves you’ve been learning. Having a great time with a great mix of people on the social dance floor is what swing is all about!
Bring your friends! We have a taster class at 7:30 before the social dance. It’s aimed at absolute beginners and it’s included in the price of entry to the social!
The music is played by experienced swing DJs and will be specifically tailored for swing dances like Lindy Hop, Balboa, Slow Bal, Collegiate Shag, and Solo Jazz.
Deodorant! (low scented and hypoallergenic if possible)
Some people like to dress up, and others prefer to go casual. Check out the photos to see what a social dance looks like. Bring a towel and a change of top if you tend to sweat a lot.
Wear comfortable shoes that won't kick off your feet and aren't super grippy! The floor is sprung unvarnished hardwood with a fairly low amount of grip. Perfect ^_^
All of our regular weekly classes are 1 hour long and are taught in a drop-in format so you can start any week and it doesn’t matter if you have to miss one. First-timers are always most welcome in our Fundamentals classes (Level 1).
You don’t have to bring your own partner, as we’ll be rotating partners, but if you can encourage a friend to give it a go and try the opposite role to you, that’s excellent.
If you bring a partner and wish to stay together we can accommodate that but bear in mind that dancing with many different people is part of the fun and will help you to get the steps faster with fewer technical feedback loops.
We ask that you click here to book each class through our web store so that we can ensure a reasonable lead-follow ratio, avoid overcrowding, and streamline the check-in process.
Prepaid 8-Class Passes are also available for purchase. To use your Class Pass when booking online, simply choose "Register to pay at door" from the pass type drop-down list. Don't forget to click on the cart icon that appears and complete the checkout process ($0) or registration will not compete. You should receive an email confirmation.
Our Explorers classes (Level 2) will assume that you know the basics taught in Fundamentals (Level 1) and you must talk with your teacher before moving up.
We take the health and safety of our community very seriously and we are so grateful that all of our dancers have been ready and willing to do what it takes to look after one another. The current COVID-19 rules are as follows:
If you are sick do not come to dancing. We are always happy to refund or reschedule.
Wearing a mask is not currently mandatory, but is still recommended when social distancing is not possible. We will always support and encourage our students to wear one at any time.
Since April 2022, you are no longer required to check-in and to be fully vaccinated. However, we continue to *request* that you do not come to Corner Pocket unless your covid vaccinations are up to date.
Bring your own filled water bottle with your name on it.
While surface contact has only proven to be a rare vector of transmission for COVID-19, good hand hygiene is always a particularly good idea for partnered dancing.
Teachers: Susie & Nick
6:30: Level 2 Lindy Hop Explorers (Intermediate)
7:45 : Level 3 Lindy Hop Cultivators (Intermediate-Advanced)
First class of 2023: 30th January
For Monday classes knowledge of the basic footwork rhythms (6 beat, 8 beat and Charleston) is expected.
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 2 - $19 ($16 concession card holders)
Level 3 - $19 or $10 with Level 2
Classes are $1 more to pay at the door.
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
Teachers: Emma, Rob, Rylie, & Rachel
6:30pm:Level 1 - Balboa Fundamentals
7:45pm:Level 2 - Balboa Explorers
8:45-9:45pm: Specialty class (as scheduled below)
First class of 2023: 31st January
Specialty Class Schedule
For the 3rd time slot (8:45) Special Classes on Tuesday nights our regular schedule is:
1st Tues: Slow Bal Fundamentals (L1 first-timers welcome)
2nd Tues: Slow Bal Explorers (L2 not your first time)
3rd Tues: Slow Bal Explorers (L2 not your first time)
4th Tues: Balboa Extension (L3 "Ah, I see you've played Knifey-Spoony before!")
5th Tues: Balboa Extension (Because we know that you just can't get enough)
LOCATION: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1- $19 Adults ($16 concession card holders)
Level 2- $19 ($16 c.) L2 students may attend the L1 class on the same night at no additional cost.
Special class - $19 OR $10 extra if also doing another class.
($1 more to pay at the door)
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
Teachers: Sarah, Morgan, Gabi, David
6:30pm: Level 1 - Lindy Hop Fundamentals (Beginners welcome)
7:45pm: Level 2 - Lindy Hop Explorers (Intermediate and above)
First class of 2023: 2nd February
LOCATION: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 - $19 Adults ($16 concession card holders)
Level 2 - $19 ($16 c. L2 students may attend the L1 class on the same night at no additional cost)
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
Some of our favourite snaps from our Christmas Pocket Social.
For more photos, updates, and announcements, make sure you've liked the Corner Pocket Swing FacebookPage
Dance Floor Delight
The dance floor at the Danish Club has recently been beautifully sanded and resurfaced. Now that it's buttery smooth and so lovely to dance on again, we'd like to ask everyone to please make a special effort to keep it free of dirt and grit so we can keep it nice for as long as possible. That means checking your shoes for embedded grit or even nails in some older shoe constructions. Wipe your feet carefully when you come in - we'll put towels at the front door if it's wet outside. Ideally, someone will grab the large orange dry mop and run it over the floor before every class, so please pitch in and volunteer to help us with this task sometimes, so it's not always the same person doing it. Don't wait to be asked! Lastly, you mark it, you clean it. Check that the shoes you dance in do not leave marks on the floor and if they do you will need to bring different shoes next time.
Swing dancing can be a hobby that helps us get through the tough times, and times have been tough the past few years. For some people, cost may have presented an obstacle for attending the lessons and socials that could benefit their mental health. We never want that to be a reason to not attend dancing, so if you are ever in that position, or know someone else who is, please let us know so we can work something out. Email us.
We recently received several incredibly generous donations of class passes to members of the swing scene who were impacted by adverse events outside of their control. As those donations have now been distributed, we would like to say thank you to those who have passed the gift of dancing on to others. You have inspired more kindness and happiness into this world.
Rob and Emma have some availability for teaching private Lindy Hop or Balboa lessons at their home in Ferny Hills. If this is of interest to you then please email us to arrange a time that suits.
It's 1.30am and I should be asleep... BUT THE ILHC WAS SO GOOD!!!
The International Lindy Hop Championships in New York City have just ended and I was fortunate enough to attend. As I come off my dance exchange high, I'd like to share some of the experience. This was my first big dance exchange so I was super excited!
The International Lindy Hop Championships in New York City have just ended and I was fortunate enough to attend. As I come off my dance exchange high, I'd like to share some of the experience. This was my first big dance exchange so I was super excited!
Thursday night kicked off the weekend with a World Lindy Hop Day/ Frankie Manning birthday celebration hosted by the Frankie Manning Foundation in the historic Harlem Alhambra Ballroom. There was a panel discussion, beginner lesson, performances, and social dancing with live music from Charles Turner and Uptown Swing Band. It was a great way to kick of the weekend in the neighbourhood where Lindy Hop was born.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were the official event days - The ILHC venue this year was the Edison Ballroom just off Times Square in NYC. What a location! I was staying at the adjacent Edison Hotel which turned out to be a fabulous idea after the late night finishes. After a sleep in (then covid testing and temperature check) there were 2 or 3 lessons during the day, video and in person competitions, and social dancing and final comps to live bands at night. The bands were fabulous - Eyal Vilner Big Band and Danny Jonokuchi & the Revisionists.
The teachers were some of my swing idols (!) Bianca & Nils, Laura & Remy, Peter & Naomi, LaTasha & Tyedric, Ramona & Todd, and Irina & Anthony. There were additional big names in the competitions and judging panel e.g. Sylvia Sykes, Jo, Felix, Natalia, Ari & Simon - make sure you check out the videos as I don't have space to name them all! Lessons included learning moves, techniques, working on grooving and taking time, and musicality. Watching the competitions made me so excited for what this dance can be and re-sparked the fire to get practicing and learning. The All Star and Invitational comps were an absolute highlight, as was dancing with some of my swing idols - these are heroes that you won't regret meeting!
Another highlight was competing in the open luck-of-the-draw prelims where I was randomly matched with three people to dance three songs of varying tempo. I was so excited to learn I had made it to the finals! For the final I picked a name from a 'hat' and had a warm up dance, spotlight, and then all skate to finish. Unfortunately I didn't place, but I can be proud that I made it to the finals in my first ever Lindy competition! And at ILHC of all places which draws in dancers from around the world.
The event is put together by a group of dancers that do their absolute best to make the event what it is. A big thank you Tena, Sylvia, Scott, Brett, LaTasha and the whole ILHC team. The vibe created by having so many swing dancers come together to celebrate was like a big hug. Everyone was so happy to be there and so encouraging, even if in direct competition with someone. I made some great friends and met so many lovely people. If you've never attended a dance exchange...do it. You will have the BEST time! It was an unforgettable weekend and I am already keen to get back there and any other event as soon as I can!
—Sarah V
Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us Sarah. We are just so gosh darn proud of you!
—Rob & Emma
2022 MAR Swing Newletter
Talk about a rough start! First it was COVID-19 delays, then last week it was another once-in-a-hundred-year flood, on top of the catastrophic war happening in Ukraine O_o Our aching hearts are badly in need of some respite. Luckily we've got just what the doctor ordered. This is what you've trained for.
Swing dance family, activate!
LET'S GO!!!!
Talk about a rough start! First it was COVID-19 delays, then last week it was another once-in-a-hundred-year flood, on top of the catastrophic war happening in Ukraine O_o Our aching hearts are badly in need of some respite. Luckily we've got just what the doctor ordered. This is what you've trained for.
Swing dance family, activate!
LET'S GO!!!!
We have a special social dance planned for the 18th of March with a live swing band travelling up from Sydney - tickets available now!
All our regular classes are back on like Donkey Kong - See details below.
We have another 3-hour Saturday Lindy Hop Crash Course for beginners scheduled for the 9th of April - booking is open now!
This newsletter is a day late, but we are still celebrating International Women's Day by acknowledging the amazing women who have taught classes for Corner Pocket in the last couple of pretty difficult years. They are all legends and you can find out a little bit about each of them below...
All of our regular weekly classes are 1 hour long and are taught in a drop-in format so you can start any week and it doesn’t matter if you have to miss one. First-timers are always most welcome in our Fundamentals classes (Level 1). No partner is required, as we encourage rotating partners. However, if you bring a partner and wish to stay together to reduce COVID risk we certainly will accommodate that.
We ask that you click here to book each class through our web store so that we can ensure a reasonable lead-follow ratio, avoid overcrowding, and streamline the check-in process.
Prepaid 8-Class Passes are also available for purchase. To use your Class Pass when booking online, simply choose "Register to pay at door" from the pass type drop-down list. Don't forget to click on the cart icon and complete checkout or registration will not compete. You should receive an email confirmation.
Explorers classes (Level 2) will assume that you know the basics taught in Fundamentals (Level 1) and you must talk with your teacher before moving up.
We take the health and safety of our community very seriously and we are so grateful that all of our dancers have been ready and willing to do what it takes to look after one and other. The recently updated COVID-19 rules are as follows:
If you are sick do not come to dancing. Obvi...
Everyone in our classes and social dances must have proof of vaccination or a valid exemption as a condition of entry.
Contact tracing via the "Check In Qld app" is still required in venues where vaccination is required. (This one was a surprise to us)
Wearing a mask is not currently mandatory, but is still recommended when social distancing is not possible.
Bring your own filled water bottle with your name on it.
While surface contact has only proven to be a rare vector of transmission for COVID-19, good hand hygiene is always a particularly good idea for partnered dancing.
Monday Lindy Hop classes are GO!
Teachers: Susie & Nick
6:30pm: Level 1 - Lindy Hop Fundamentals
7:45pm: Level 2 - Lindy Hop Explorers
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 & 2 - $17 Adults ($15 concession card holders)
*Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost, provided there is room.
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
The first Tuesday Balboa class for 2022 will be Lolly Kicking off on the
22nd of FEB
Please note the new start time!
Teachers: Emma, Rob, Rylie, Michelle, & Rachel
6:30pm: Level 1 - Balboa Fundamentals
7:45pm: Level 2 - Balboa Explorers
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 & 2 - $17 Adults ($15 concession card holders)
*Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost, provided there is room.
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
The first Thursday Lindy Hop class for 2022 will be on the 24th of FEB.
Teachers: Sarah, James, David, Magali
6:30pm: Level 1 - Lindy Hop Fundamentals
7:45pm: Level 2 - Lindy Hop Explorers
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 & 2 - $17 Adults ($15 concession card holders)
*Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost, provided there is room.
Please book on our website so we can monitor and avoid overcrowding or wildly imbalanced lead and follow ratios. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
A taster class and 3 hours of swing music for Lindy Hop, Balboa, Shag, and solo jazz. Beginners welcome!
Featuring live music from
The Lachlan McKenzie Quintet
Whilst drawing inspiration from a wide range of Jazz styles, the Lachlan McKenzie Quintet will be in full swing band mode for this special occasion! Expect toe tapping grooves and sounds reminiscent of Count Basie, Benny Goodman and the like! Featuring: Lachlan McKenzie - Trumpet Lachlan Hamilton - Tenor Wilbur Whitta - Piano Jacob Graham - Double Bass George Greenhill - Drums
DETAILS: Doors open at 7:20. There will be an absolute beginner class at 7:30 which is included with entry. Then dance the night away to incredible swing music tailored specifically for dancing. Get it while it's hot!
WHERE: St Augustine's Church Hall, 66 Racecourse Rd, Hamilton
WHEN: Friday 18th March - Taster Class 7:30 - Social dancing 8:30-11:30pm
COST: $20 - Booking online in our webstore is essential
Saturday 3-Hour Lindy Hop Crash Course Workshop
(9 APR 2022)
Have you ever wanted to learn to Swing Dance?
We'll have you dancing the basics of 6-count and 8-count Lindy Hop in just one morning!
From Harlem, New York, the Lindy is the world’s most popular dance of the Swing era. A massive cooking pot of jazz movement, Lindy has flashy swing-outs and Charleston kicks and is usually danced to mid-tempo swing dance tunes.
These classes are aimed at:
- absolute beginners who've been wanting to learn to swing dance, but are unable to attend regular weekly classes.
- beginners looking to fast-track their learning or cement knowledge gained from weekly classes.
- intermediate students wishing to learn the other lead/follow role.
No partner is required, as we encourage rotating partners. However, if you bring a partner and wish to stay together to reduce COVID risk we certainly will accommodate that.
There will be short refreshment breaks so you might like to bring a drink bottle and a notebook, but make sure they are labelled with your name.
WHAT TO WEAR: Dancing is exercise! So wear clothes you can move freely and sweat in. You can save your vintage clobber for when you hit the town. Wear comfortable shoes that won't kick off your feet and that aren't too grippy! The floor is slightly sprung timber with medium grip. The room is well air-conditioned.
LOCATION: The Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
WHEN: Saturday, 9 April 2022 from 10am-1pm
COST: $50 - Booking online in our webstore is available now!
International Women's Day
We'd like to acknowledge some of the amazing women in our swing dance community who have stepped up to teach classes for Corner Pocket and support the scene in the last couple of pretty difficult years. They are all mighty!
Emma Hadfield - Emma started dancing in 2005, only dancing sporadically until 2009 when she became completely addicted! Since then she has gone on to be a member of all of Brisbane’s performance troupes, including teaching and choreographing for Balboa performance troupes, teaching Lindy Hop, Balboa, Charleston, and Solo Vernacular Jazz in Brisbane, and travelled around Australia, New Zealand, the USA, and most recently Europe for dance events. At the start of 2020 Emma became one of the two owner-directors of Corner Pocket Swing.
Alice Greenwood - Alice is one of the two original founders of Corner Pocket Swing in 2015. So much of what this school is today is because she carefully shaped and crafted it with her passion and drive at every level. She first learned to swing dance down in Melbourne many moons ago, and let's just say... she knows which foot to rock-step with!
Susie Pembroke Wilson:- has always had a love of dance and performance. She has grown up practising ballet and jazz and studied theatre and dance at the University of Technology. Susie still loves to dabble in many dance styles as it gives her a greater appreciation for movement and musicality, and encourages thoughtful choices in her dancing.
Susie started her Lindy Hop journey in Brisbane in 2008. Since then she has travelled extensively to dance and learn more about this African American artform from the best Lindy Hop instructors the world over. From 2012 she taught lindy hop regularly in Brisbane. She has had the privilege of teaching at national dance camp Swing Camp Oz, and even won a couple of competitions. In 2017 Susie moved to London. There she taught regular lindy hop and solo jazz classes and got to work with incredible dances from the UK and Europe. Career highlights include working with London troupe the Brat Pack, teaching the social dance troupe the Skyliners, judging at London Swing Festival, performing at Royal Festival Hall, and even dancing in a big budget film.
Susie has recently moved back to Brisbane and is thrilled to return to Corner Pocket Swing, a school that she taught for since its very beginning. Susie believes that classes can be fun while still instilling strong foundations, and that there is no greater joy than really connecting with someone on the dance floor. In every class Susie strives to challenge and inspire her students whilst preserving the joyful spirit of lindy hop.
Sarah Voss - "So swing dancing is on Tuesday evening, the first one is next week. ...still keen to start the year on 2 left feet?!!" - Jan 2017. This is the message that changed Sarah's life. Living in Christchurch NZ at the time, she and a friend went on to attend a beginner taster class and never looked back. The people, the music, the atmosphere and of course, the dance became an addiction and a passion. Her first love was (and still remains) Lindy Hop; her relationship with Balboa not flourishing until moving to Brisbane. Finding the Brisbane swing community opened up a new world of events, performances, live music, dancing, friends and then: teaching. Teaching swing dance brings a spark and excitement to Sarah's dancing which she hopes to infuse into her classes and students.
As well as Lindy hop and Balboa, Sarah enjoys 20s and 30s Charleston, solo jazz (an enjoyment discovered out of necessity while social distancing!), blues, and sometimes a sneaky tango. Almost anything is happily danced by Sarah. Her motto is "dancing is good for the soul" - so do your soul some good and get dancing!
Mumma Trang - In late 2012, after turning down numerous invitations to give swing dancing a go, Trang invariably took herself out to an end-of-year swing dance event – in support of a friend who was making their debut troupe performance that same night – and experienced her very first dance class. A measure of fun was had and since that fateful night, Trang has been consistently attending classes, taking workshops with interstate and international instructors, performing in local demo troupes and social dancing at every opportunity.
While Trang began her swing dance life learning to dance the role of the Follow, she also quickly became interested in learning to dance the role of the Lead. However, it wasn’t until she competed at her first national swing dance competition event and attended her first interstate dance exchange, that it became clear that leading was her preferred dance role. Trang is committed to pursuing and developing her skills as a Lead first, and is considered to be one of Brisbane’s most “ambi-dancerous” swing dance personalities.
Trang is all about sharing the joy of swing dancing with others, particularly beginners, and is dedicated to supporting and growing the swing dance community in Brisbane.
Alana Pacholke - At age six Alana put on a pair of tap shoes, and hasn’t stopped dancing since. She has trained in Tap, Modern, Ballet, Contemporary and all other styles she could try for the past eighteen years, and has taught Tap and Modern for about six years. But it was in 2017 that Alana saw swing dancing live for the first time and fell in love. Swing dancing was the perfect combination of great music, connection and just plain fun. Since that time she has been a member of the Back Pockets and The Keen Gents Collective, two of Brisbane’s performance troupes, and loves to dance at any opportunity.
Alana brings a wealth of technical dance and performance experience to her teaching and loves to share the joy of dancing with anyone she can.
Gabi Tracy - Growing up in a family of dancers meant that Gabi was introduced to dancing at an early age, and then... life happened. It wasn’t until 2016 when she was introduced to Lindy Hop that the stars aligned and allowed her to re-ignite her passion for dance.
Since this time Gabi has attended workshops and competitions both locally and across Europe. She has also performed as a member of the Back Pockets, the Keen Gents Collective and the Brat Pack (London), including a special performance at the Royal Albert Hall for Christmas 2019. However, Gabi gains the most joy from social dancing, trying out new rhythms and silly things where she can. As a teacher, she is hoping to encourage others to find their passion for dance, and perhaps some crazy new moves she can borrow.
Natalie - 2012 was a big year; Gangnam Style swept the globe, the iconic leather-bound tomes of Encyclopedia Britannica became digitized, we made it to Mars with the curiosity rover, and at the invitation of a friend, Natalie attended her first Lindy Hop class as ‘something fun to do'. After that, the world was never the same - at least not Natalie's world! Slowly but surely dance took over her life with constant classes, social dancing, and all the fun of the local community. ‘Something fun' evolved into participating in multiple performance troupes, traveling for local and international dance opportunities and weekends spent hunting down live music. A love of Lindy hop grew to include a love of Blues and she joined forces with friends to help Borderline Blues establish their first Blues exchange in 2015 and a second in 2019. Sometimes you can find her teaching Blues on Thursday nights with Brisbane Dance the Blues. In her classes, Natalie loves the opportunity to encourage creativity, connection, and playfulness so that everyone can find their own identity in dance.
Tamika Hall - Having danced most of her childhood Tamika attended her first swing class in 2014 and happily discovered that it filled the dance-shaped hole in her life.
Since then she has participated in local and interstate workshops and exchanges, competed and performed, and especially enjoys social dancing. Among these, her highlights include placing first in Mid Level Madness at The Australian Jitterbug Championships (2015), performing at Woodford Folk Festival and performing in the locally produced show "Go To Town - A Night at the Trocadero".
Her infectious smile lights up the dancefloor and you'll always find her keen for "just one more dance" as the night grows old.
Allura Harriet - To quote Dawn Hampton, "How can you listen to that music and not tap your foot?". Allura's love of swing began when she was a little kid playing bass in the school jazz band. Inspired by the joy and rawness of the music, she'd always wanted to learn lindy hop but it wasn't until 2011 that she found out there was a community of swing dancers right here in Brisbane! Ever since then, she's told strangers that she dances "kind of like Madonna did in that baseball movie...kind of."
Allura loves bringing fun and musicality to every dance and is always looking for ways to improve connection and experiment with rhythm. She is an inaugural member of the Corner Pocket Swing performance troupe, and has attended interstate and international events, including the renowned Herräng Dance Camp in Sweden.
As a teacher, Allura hopes to foster lifelong dancers who are inspired by the music, who encourage each other, and who aren't afraid to have a goof and be themselves on the dancefloor.
Magali Rochat - Good humans and gentle beings, I would like to tell you the classic tale of Goldilocks and the three bears with a twist... and a swing-out.
The protagonist of our story is Magali, a young girl on an important mission to find the perfect hobby.
Cartwheeling into a gymnastics hall, she attempted the sport of ultimate strength and flexibility whilst donning a sparkly leotard. She learned to balance on a beam and land a summersault off a bar. But alas, gymnastics was just not right.
Unwilling to surrender, she firmly put on a nose clip and dove into the underwater world of synchronised swimming. Something felt better, the music aspect perhaps. Unfortunately, this aquatic past time was still not quite right.
She had one last hope. Swing dancing. After witnessing her first lindy performance, she was immediately enraptured. The music was intoxicating, the movement was exhilarating, the fateful day had finally come! Swing dancing was just right. Five years later, and you will now find Magali triple stepping down the hallway or shorty george-ying her way to the fridge for snacks during study breaks. During this time she has been a member of troupe for two years and attended the internationally renowned Herrang Dance camp. I am delighted to say, dear readers, that she was able to swing out into happily ever after.
Therese Lefebure - Who is Therese? She is a dancer and a performer. She has been dancing for as long as she can remember, and was lucky enough to be surrounded by her own cultural music and dances growing up. After many years of dancing, in 2014, she met Marcel, who introduced her to the world of Blues, and Swing shortly after. She is a proud guest in these Black American cultural dances and is on a continuous journey of research and appreciation.
Throughout her dance career, Therese has had many opportunities to travel across Australia performing and teaching, she has also had the chance to travel overseas and learn from internationally renowned dancers.
Simone - Simone’s love of swing dancing started with a non-committal New Year’s resolution in 2017. From the moment she attended her first social (after three Lindy Hop classes), she was hooked! Coming from a musical background, Simone was enchanted by the opportunity to experience and interact with music in a different way—through movement and human connection.
On the social dance floor, Simone is known to be playful and irrepressibly joyous. She is passionate about connecting more people with this shortcut to happiness, and regularly teaches Balboa in Brisbane. As a teacher, Simone’s goal is to encourage and equip people to explore the conversational elements of the dance—where both leaders and followers can influence and take inspiration from each other and the music.
Michelle Adams - For Michelle dancing is not a hobby but more of an obsession. Growing up in a dance family, she became hooked on Lindy Hop about 10 years ago. Since then she has tried her hand at performance troupe, competitions and travelling interstate for dance but what keeps her going is a love of social dancing. Building the connection, creativity and spontaneity of social dancing is what Michelle wants to pass on to her students in the hopes of also hooking them into the wonderful world of swing dance.
Rachel Hoey - With two ballroom dancing parents who somehow never taught their very clumsy daughter to dance- Rachel had to take matters into her own hands.
Lacing up her Doc Martens, she stomped into her first Lindy Hop class in late 2018 right here at Corner Pocket Swing.
The music! The people! The vibrancy! How could you not fall in love with it all?
Years later, and still having never tried ballroom (sorry mum), Rachel continues to be entirely smitten by swing, with a particular affinity for Balboa.
As a teacher, she hopes to encourage and inspire students to explore creativity, voice, and connection - three things she briefly mastered during her year 6 school disco and has been searching for ever since.
If you didn't respond to our survey last month, it's not too late!
The ever shifting sands of time have us doing a bit of navel gazing and thinking about how to do right by everyone in the Corner Pocket corner.
We are thinking about the What, When, and How, as we continue down the road. We are focused on keeping CPS as safe, accessible, inclusive, and fun as we can.
We also need input from you, our community, to help us shape CPS in 2022. We’ve made this survey to gather the information we need to ensure the longevity and awesomeness of Corner Pocket Swing. Please fill out the survey, and share it far and wide so we can get... ALL THE INFO!
Help us create the best swing school possible.
Swing dancing can be a hobby that helps us get through the tough times, and times have been tough the past few years. For some people, cost may have presented an obstacle for attending the lessons and socials that could benefit their mental health. We never want that to be a reason to not attend dancing, so if you are ever in that position, or know someone else who is, please let us know so we can work something out.
We have had an incredibly generous offer to donate a couple of class passes in honour of someone very dear to them. Swing dancing means a lot to this person, and they would like to pass the gift of dancing on to others, and to inspire more kindness and happiness into this world. We would love to hear nominations from our students of anyone who you think would benefit from these passes.
Email us.
Rob and Emma have some availability for teaching private Lindy Hop or Balboa lessons at their home in Ferny Hills. If this is of interest to you then please email us to arrange a time that suits.
2022 FEB Swing Newsletter
Happy New Year!
Well, maybe not as happy as we'd hoped, since the post-Christmas Omicron surge has really vexed our vibe. Sullied our suave. Grated our groove. After a long dance break we are thinking about the future and trying to make plans.
Happy New Year!
Well, maybe not as happy as we'd hoped, since the post-Christmas Omicron surge has really vexed our vibe. Sullied our suave. Grated our groove. After a long dance break we are thinking about the future and trying to make plans. These ever shifting sands have made it challenging to confidently determine how and when to proceed. We have been tracking the COVID-19 statistics very closely, and while we may already be past the peak of the current hump, it seems clear that we will be dealing with new COVID-19 variants for a long time to come. So at some point, we either have to restart classes with strong risk reduction strategies in place or we remain closed indefinitely. I don't know about you all, but we feel strongly that swing dancing has given too much to the experience and quality of too many people's lives for us to just quit.
We have been extremely fortunate to have been able to operate through the pandemic without having had one single case of COVID-19 transmission occurring in any of our classes or social dances. We recognise that with Omicron out there in the community, this is a record we are unlikely to be able to maintain in the future. However, we are going to proceed with COVID-Safe policies that are designed to try and do exactly that.
If you are sick do not come to dancing. Obvi...
Everyone in our classes and social dances must have proof of vaccination or a valid exemption as a condition of entry.
Everyone must wear masks while at dancing. *Especially* if you are huffing and puffing. Please step out if you need a breather.
Check-in using the “Check In Qld app” is still a requirement.
We still a have a venue capacity limit of 1 person per 2 sq. m of floor space that we must comply with. Therefore we ask that you continue to book classes in advance if possible.
Bring your own filled water bottle with your name on it.
While surface contact has only proven to be a rare vector of transmission for COVID-19, good hand hygiene is always a particularly good idea for partnered dancing.
With all of that in mind, our first swing classes of the year will be Monday night Lindy Hop on the 14th of February with Nick and Susie! Tuesday Balboa and Thursday Lindy Hop will recommence the following week on the 22nd and 24th. The start of the year is always a great time to get your friends and family into swing dancing, so let them know it's happening! See below for more details.
We have no social dance planned for February, but we are trying to line up a couple of dances with live bands for next month, including our Pocket Dance on the 18th of March!
In the last newsletter we mentioned an expected date for the return of the Sunday Hot Club. However, this not going ahead for the time being and we are keeping our eyes peeled for new opportunities for the Hot Club to be reborn again like the proverbial phoenix that it is.
Scrolling down, you will also see we have shared a few photos from our Christmas Pocket Dance. What a fabulous night we had with Andrew Garton and his Pantheon of Swing! The rest of the photos are shared on our Facebook page!
We are really looking forward to getting together again! Our nights haven't been the same without you.
The ever shifting sands of time have us doing a bit of navel gazing and thinking about how to do right by everyone in the Corner Pocket corner.
We are thinking about the What, When, and How, as we continue down the road. We are focused on keeping CPS as safe, accessible, inclusive, and fun as we can.
We also need input from you, our community, to help us shape CPS in 2022. We’ve made this survey to gather the information we need to ensure the longevity and awesomeness of Corner Pocket Swing. Please fill out the survey, and share it far and wide so we can get... ALL THE INFO!
Help us create the best swing school possible.
Swing dancing can be a hobby that helps us get through the tough times, and times have been tough the past few years. For some people, cost may have presented an obstacle for attending the lessons and socials that could benefit their mental health. We never want that to be a reason to not attend dancing, so if you are ever in that position, or know someone else who is, please let us know so we can work something out.
We have had an incredibly generous offer to donate a couple of class passes in honour of someone very dear to them. Swing dancing means a lot to this person, and they would like to pass the gift of dancing on to others, and to inspire more kindness and happiness into this world. We would love to hear nominations from our students of anyone who you think would benefit from these passes.
Email us.
All of our regular weekly classes are 1 hour long and are taught in a drop-in format so you can start any week and it doesn’t matter if you have to miss one. First-timers are always most welcome in our Fundamental classes (Level 1). You don’t need to bring your own partner as we will be rotating partners in class.
We ask that you click here to book each class through our web store so that we can ensure a reasonable lead-follow ratio, avoid exceeding our venue capacity limits, and streamline the check-in process.
Prepaid 8-Class Passes are also available for purchase. To use your Class Pass when booking online, simply choose "Register to pay at door" from the pass type drop-down list. Don't forget to click on the cart icon and complete checkout or registration will not compete. You should receive an email confirmation.
Explorers classes (Level 2) will assume that you know the basics taught in Fundamentals (Level 1) and you must talk with your teacher before moving up.
Monday Lindy Hop classes are relaunching in the new year, blasting off on the 14th of Feb!
Teachers: Nick and Susie!
6:30pm: Level 1 - Lindy Hop Fundamentals
7:45pm: Level 2 - Lindy Hop Explorers
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 & 2 - $17 Adults ($15 concession card holders)
*Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost.
Book on our website to secure your place as we have a venue capacity limit and it makes check-in flow more easily.
Some of you may not be familiar with the super dynamic duo that is Nick and Susie so we have included some introduction here...
Susie Pembroke Wilson:- has always had a love of dance and performance. She has grown up practising ballet and jazz and studied theatre and dance at the University of Technology. Susie still loves to dabble in many dance styles as it gives her a greater appreciation for movement and musicality, and encourages thoughtful choices in her dancing.
Susie started her Lindy Hop journey in Brisbane in 2008. Since then she has travelled extensively to dance and learn more about this African American artform from the best Lindy Hop instructors the world over. From 2012 she taught lindy hop regularly in Brisbane. She has had the privilege of teaching at national dance camp Swing Camp Oz, and even won a couple of competitions. In 2017 Susie moved to London. There she taught regular lindy hop and solo jazz classes and got to work with incredible dances from the UK and Europe. Career highlights include working with London troupe the Brat Pack, teaching the social dance troupe the Skyliners, judging at London Swing Festival, performing at Royal Festival Hall, and even dancing in a big budget film.
Susie has recently moved back to Brisbane and is thrilled to return to Corner Pocket Swing, a school that she taught for since it’s very beginning. Susie believes that classes can be fun while still instilling strong foundations, and that there is no greater joy than really connecting with someone on the dance floor. In every class Susie strives to challenge and inspire her students whilst preserving the joyful spirit of lindy hop.
Nick Grant: Since starting Lindy Hop in 2009, swing dancing has taken Nick around the world, first as a student and then as a teacher. Nick’s classes are characterised by pure joy and excitement. His goal is to share so much more than just some steps; history, expression, inspiration, self-connection, musical connection and most importantly, a new way of connecting with others. There is so much magic to be found in swing dancing.
As a student Nick quickly became obsessed with Lindy Hop after doing two weeks of classes in Herräng Dance Camp in Sweden. After that life altering experience, he attended swing events regularly across Australia and Europe, always targeting events with inspiring and experienced instructors. Finding so much joy in movement Nick started experimenting with other styles including Swing Dancing’s grandchildren; locking, popping, hip-hop and more recently dancehall, waacking and house. Nick continues to be an avid student and always will.
Teaching for Nick began in Brisbane in 2012. From there he started learning about teaching from world renowned lindy hop instructors such as Michael Jagger, Evita Arce, Lennart Westerlund, Daniel Heedman and Asa Heedman to name a few. After teaching at Swing Camp Oz in Australia, Nick moved to London in 2018. Finding his feet in the European scene Nick won some competitions, joined the Brat Pack, started teaching Skyliners (Swing Patrol London’s social dance troupe), judged at London Swing Festival, taught at Herräng Dance Camp and joined a European collective of dancers. The rise of COVID spelled disaster for Nick's London dance life.
On the bright side Nick is back in Brisbane and excited to share dancing again! His current goal is to maximise how value can be added to someone’s life through swing dancing. This may sound a little pretentious but he believes it can create an environment for people to practise forming healthy relationships, to look inward without judgment, to find more intention and meaning in music and rhythm, and to prioritise giving in a relationship. Or at the very least are ideas worth working!
The first Tuesday Balboa class for 2022 will be Lolly Kicking off on the
22nd of FEB
Please note the new start time!
Teachers: Emma, Rob, Rylie, Michelle, & Rachel
6:30pm: Level 1 - Balboa Fundamentals
7:45pm: Level 2 - Balboa Explorers
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 & 2 - $17 Adults ($15 concession card holders)
*Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost.
Book on our website to secure your place as we have a venue capacity limit and it makes check-in flow more easily.
The first Thursday Lindy Hop class for 2022 will be on the 24th of FEB.
Teachers: Sarah, James, David, Magali
6:30pm: Level 1 - Lindy Hop Fundamentals
7:45pm: Level 2 - Lindy Hop Explorers
Venue: Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead
(arrive early to find a park and check-in)
Level 1 & 2 - $17 Adults ($15 concession card holders)
*Level 2 students may attend the Level 1 class on the same night at no additional cost.
Book on our website to secure your place as Thursday has been our most popular night and the most likely to become full. It also alleviates a traffic jam at check-in time!
Rob and Emma have some availability for teaching private Lindy Hop or Balboa lessons at their home in Ferny Hills. If this is of interest to you then please email us to arrange a time that suits.
Below is just a small sample of the fun we had at the Christmas Pocket Dance - follow us on Facebook for more photos.